Deploying Zero

To deploy a Zero app, you need to:

  1. Deploy your backend database. Most standard Postgres hosts work with Zero.
  2. Deploy zero-cache. We provide a Docker image that should work with any Docker host.
  3. Deploy your frontend. You can use any hosting service like Vercel or Netlify.


😬`zero-cache` is Currently Single-Node

A single reasonably-sized zero-cache node can handle a fairly large number of users – thousands of concurrents or more depending on what they're doing.

But it's not infinitely scalable, and updating zero-cache today will take down your service for a minute or so while the Docker container restarts. We'll have this fixed soon.


While zero-cache is single-node, you should deploy it close to your database to minimize sync latency. In the future, you will be able to deploy zero-cache in multiple regions to provide low-latency access to users around the world.


The zero-cache image is configured via environment variables. See zero-cache Config for available options.

Schema Deployment

zero-cache needs a copy of your zero-schema.json because it is used to enforce permissions.

You can deploy it as a plain file, using the ZERO_SCHEMA_FILE env var. For convenience, we also support putting the schema string itself directly in an env var, using ZERO_SCHEMA_JSON.

Example: Deploying to

Let's deploy the Quickstart app to We'll use for both the database and zero-cache.

Setup Quickstart

Go through the Quickstart guide to get the app running locally.


Create an account on and install the Fly CLI.

Create Postgres app


PG_PASSWORD=$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | uuencode -m - | sed -ne 2p | cut -c-16)

fly postgres create \
  --name $PG_APP_NAME \
  --region lax \
  --initial-cluster-size 1 \
  --vm-size shared-cpu-2x \
  --volume-size 40 \

Seed Upstream database

Populate the database with initial data and set its wal_level to logical to support replication to zero-cache. Then restart the database to apply the changes.

(cat ./docker/seed.sql; echo "\q") | fly pg connect -a $PG_APP_NAME
echo "ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level = logical; \q" | fly pg connect -a $PG_APP_NAME
fly postgres restart --app $PG_APP_NAME

Create zero-cache app

fly app create $CACHE_APP_NAME

Publish zero-cache

Create a fly.toml file. We'll copy the zero-schema.json into the toml file to pass it to the server as an environment variable.


cat <<EOF > fly.toml
primary_region = 'lax'

image = ""

internal_port = 4848
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = 'off'
min_machines_running = 1

grace_period = "10s"
interval = "30s"
method = "GET"
timeout = "5s"
path = "/"

memory = '2gb'
cpu_kind = 'shared'
cpus = 2

source = "sqlite_db"
destination = "/data"

ZERO_REPLICA_FILE = "/data/sync-replica.db"
LOG_LEVEL = "debug"
ZERO_SCHEMA_JSON = """$(cat zero-schema.json)"""

Then publish zero-cache:

fly deploy

Use Remote zero-cache

cat <<EOF > .env

Now restart the frontend to pick up the env change, and refresh the app. You can stop your local database and zero-cache as we're not using them anymore. Open the web inspector to verify the app is talking to the remote zero-cache!

You can deploy the frontend to any standard hosting service like Vercel or Netlify, or even to!

Deploy Frontend to Vercel

If you've followed the above guide and deployed zero-cache to fly, you can simply run:

vercel deploy --prod \
  -e ZERO_JWT_SECRET="secretkey" \

to deploy your frontend to Vercel.

Explaining the arguments above --

  • ZERO_JWT_SECRET - The secret to create and verify JWTs. This is the same secret that was used when deploying zero-cache to fly.
  • VITE_PUBLIC_SERVER - The URL the frontend will call to talk to the zero-cache server. This is the URL of the fly app.

Example: $PLATFORM

Where should we deploy Zero next?? Let us know on Discord!